Sunday, 2 March 2014

My First Besos and Prime Suspects!

Monday, December 9th, 2013.

Eh There Fellow Lumberjacks!
How goes it up there in the cold north eh? Haha crazy crazy crazy to see the pictures of the snow, and to hear how cold it was! That is seriously insane, I can't even imagine! I hope everyone enjoyed some hot chocolate and cuddling up by the fire!
Super fun to see the pictures too, I love how you bring those signs for people to take pictures with! That's so fun! Say hi to all of them for me if you could! Everyone looks so old! You are all looking so old though, seriously. I definitely got the bad looks of the family, you all look incredible! HANNAH IS GOING TO HONG KONG?! WOW. That is insane, she is going to do so good there, I already know it. Everyone is going to love her there hey? Wow, congrats Hannah, it will be such an amazing experience for you!

I got my coat now, and some members bought me gloves as an early Christmas present, so don't worry about me being cold here, I'm set!
Thank you so much though! I opened the package, and that was so fun to see my stocking and tons of little wrapped up presents! I drew a tree and put all the presents under, it feels like Christmas for me hahaa.

SO cute to hear about Aubrey getting my letter. Made me just beam with smiles imagining her taking off her little boots, and sitting herself down on the stairs reading the letter. I hope that she liked it, and that she will enjoy the Spanish pokemon cards too! Love you Aubs!

Sorry to hear about your friend mom, but I'm glad that it was a good service! Its really a blessing to have the knowledge that when the casket is closed, it's not the last time we will see them. Also I know what you mean, wanting to be better. Makes you rethink everything, and just have a quick refocus on the picture of life. I wish her family the best!

Okay first things first...the reason why I'm so late emailing you. This week has been crazy. Ready for this? Me and Elder W have been interrogated by the police, because we are prime suspects for a stabbing in Inca. I am not lying. We had to go to the police station over in inca twice this week. This morning was the second time. The church had to hire a lawyer for us, and he came to help while they questioned us. Basically what happened was two large tall blonde men with suit jackets and bags, stabbed two other men from Morocco, over in Inca, about 2 weeks ago. We have been stopped by the police and tagged as suspects! hahahaha So picture this...7 months ago not knowing Spanish, but this morning answering perfectly to an hour long interragation by the civil guard. I'm pretty happy about it. But hey, there is nothing to worry about, everything is good, and no, we didn't commit the crime. ;)

We had a fun meeting as a zone this week! The zone leaders dressed up as Santa Claus, and talked about having a white Christmas.  Unfortunately there won't be snow, but we want everyone to be dressed in white for baptism this Christmas season! So pray for us!
We have one new baptismal date for the 21st! Her name is P, the sister of one of the people in the ward! She is so incredible. We have only known her for about a week, but already have taught her the first three full lessons! She has read so much already from the Book of Mormon, and taken down notes and questions while doing it! She is such a great example to me for how to study. She asks amazing questions, and really just feels the spirit so strong, there hasn't been one lesson without her crying her eyes out! She has had a tough life full of addiction, and has told us she wants to change, and never fall again. We are so happy for her, and going to do all we can to help her accept Christ for this Christmas.

Want to hear a funny story? So we were on this bus to head to a little town, and there was this 15 or so year old kid, obviosuly thought he was the bees knees as he walked on the bus with all of his friends. He looked at me, and saw I was a missionary! As he sat down, he was just looking at me, so I looked at him back too! He then said in Spanish,¨"Do you like your glasses?" and then started laughing, trying to make fun of me, assuming I didn't speak Spanish. BUT YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN THE LOOK ON HIS FACE WHEN I BEGAN TALKING TO HIM IN SPANISH.  Priceless, I'm telling ya.
Hmmm...two more things! One, on January 16th I believe, we have heard there will be a crraaazzzzzyyyyyy holiday. Everyone in the town of Manacor dresses up as demons during the night, and party and dance and drink and get naked in the streets! Apparently people have told us to stay inside our piso after 6 pm, and to not look out the window. Crazy hey? I love the culture here in Spain, there is never a dull moment.

Last thing! So this week marks a special time in my first besos. (Besos mean kisses, it's a cultural thing to greet everyone with kisses here on both cheeks, but as missionaries we don't do that obviously). Anyways, one night we went to a new investigtors house to teach a lesson. Half way through, his 20 or so year old daughter walked through the door, and came right up to me and just gave me besos...I was sitting in a chair and couldn't even avoid it without looking like a crazy man. To make it worse, when she walked up to Elder W, he said "Sorry, we don't do that as missionaries". I looked sooooo silly. ahhahahahahaha
Anyways, I love you all so much. I hope you like my email, even though it might be a little crazy. But have a great warm week, and know that your island missionary loves each and every one of you!

Love, Elder Hardy

I Feel a Certain Peace Here.

Monday, December 2nd, 2013.
Merry December 2nd!
Hola tios! Here I am at the computer typing another electronic mail for you all! Before I forget, let me address a few necessary things.

Mom, your questions! No I haven't bought anything on my visa, I'm careful with my money ;) Also yes my suitcase is at the mission office, but the zone leaders are bringing me my coat this week, woohooo!  Also I bought a sweater, but not shoes yet. Shoes are one thing I might want, and maybe gloves and a toque.

 I will tell C that. She really is incredible, her whole family.  I have an amazing story for you all about them. First to set some background. Mallorquines normally are pretty reserved people who like to preserve their culture, understandably. So when we get to teach them, its a blessing. AND, this family of C, C, and X are super special. They have investigated the church a bit before, but where held back because of her old husband. She is a person of big influence here! Anyways, she invited us over, and we taught them the restoration.  The spirit was so strong, its impossible to explain. As I gave the first vision, she started to cry. I asked her after to explain her feelings, and she said "It's impossible to explain, something that I feel inside. But it's weird, this only happens with the Mormons". Huge testimony builder that we are the only true church, that can carry the true spirit to testify to the hearts of others. We then also helped them set up for their first real Christmas. That was so fun.

Super fun that you have set up for Christmas, I love that tradition we have of our ornaments, I will miss that this year. BUT I GOT YOUR PACKAGE. So I will draw a picture of a tree and put it under that to open on Christmas, Bishop also sent me one, so I am excited, Santa treated me well this year :) Thank you so much for sending me one, but its SO EXPENSIVE, You don't need to send such a big thing! Sheesh.
I loved your pictures of surfing, that water is so blue! You two look fabulous. It almost looks like the Mediterranean! This preparation day we went to Porto Cristo! If you all ever came to Spain, I'd want to take you on this adventure we had. We went and saw un faro (lighthouse) at the edge of some cliffs, saw the beach, went into some caves, it was just incredible. I was so happy all day, searching and looking at nature. I love doing that kind of stuff, calms me down.
We had a fun American thanksgiving dinner with the whole zone in Palma! Ate chicken and such, and listened to another Canadian elder tell a story about getting tasered by a Canadian cop! hahahahaha so funny. It got out that I am a "YouTube star" as they called it, and everyone flipped out. Its a good thing I'm in Spain where no one recognizes me, funny how that video blew up!
English class is definitely always a highlight for the week, We have tons of fun there, and it helps with my Spanish too! The best is when the kids ask me what swag means, and I have to try to act it out for them to explain it to them. Haha we always play a game at the end of class, and the game "Do you like your neighbor" has been a HIT! All the adults get so into it. Where you sit in a circle, and say an article of clothing, and anyone who has that gets up and has to sit in a chair so they aren't stuck in the middle! Haha so fun to play with them, we always get good laughs.

We had a miracle yesterday happen. A woman named P came to English class on Thursday, and as she entered she said "I feel a certain peace here". She then came to church yesterday, we taught her about the Holy Ghost, and without even mentioning it, she told US that she wants to get baptized, Miracle fell from the sky really. She is a sister of a member in the ward, so this is just perfect. 

Well that's all I really have about this week. I really want to send you all something for Christmas, but I have no idea how expensive packages are to send. I hope I can though, if not I will need to write letters! Thank you so much for everything you do for me. I love you all so much!

Love, Elder Hardy
 Elder Hardy on Preparation Day at Porto Cristo!
 Is this the Lion King Rock maybe?